(EBSCO) A scholarly multi-disciplinary database that provides full text, indexing, and abstracts, videos and images from journals, magazines and newspapers. Full text of articles from 6500+ journals, magazines and newspapers, plus image collections.
(Learning Express) Organized into targeted learning centers, LearningExpress Library supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass the GED, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more. Requires free login so you can save work online. If you are unable to register off campus, please try again using an on-campus computer. App also available from Google Play.
(EBSCO) Selected full-text from 30 US national and international newspapers and 200 regional papers, plus TV & radio news transcripts.
O'Reilly for Public Libraries (formerly Safari Tech Books)
(ProQuest) Here you'll find technology eBooks, interactive learning courses and more ranging from basic computer use to more advanced topics for programmers, coders and other IT professionals. Visit O'Reilly Help Videos for more information.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
(Oxford University Press) Online music reference source includes articles from the Oxford Companion to Music, Grove dictionaries of American music, jazz , opera, and musical instruments, and the Encyclopedia of Popular Music.