Rose Botkin's office hours are 10AM - 12PM on Tuesdays and 12PM - 2PM on Wednesdays in LRNC 143. Appointments outside of these hours can be made upon request.
Credo Reference: Full-text reference books on a variety of topics including history, anthropology, geography, culture, population, and related disciplines.
JSTOR: Full-text journal back files generally from at least three years ago and back in time.
Gale Literature Resource Center: Full-text literary criticism, biographical information, overviews, and reviews on more than 150,000 writers in all disciplines, time periods, and regions of the world.
Newspaper Source: Full text from national and international newspapers plus news transcripts.
Project MUSE: Full-text journals in a variety of academic disciplines.
US Major Dailies: Full-text news from the Christian Science Monitor, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.
Use the library catalog to find books and videos. The building is now open and our materials are free to use. We can request books from other libraries and order interlibrary loan also.