Lone Star College-CyFair Library will close early at 5 PM on Tuesday, November 22 and will remain closed Wednesday-Sunday, November 23-27 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Drop into this week's citation workshops for help with citing sources in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles! In-person workshops will be held from 10-11 AM in LRNC 105 (11/15 for MLA, 11/16 for APA, and 11/17 for Chicago), and online workshops will be held from 1-2 PM via Webex (11/15 for APA, 11/16 for Chicago, and 11/17 for MLA).
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Tomorrow (Tuesday, November 8) is Election Day and your last chance to vote! Polls open at 7 AM and close at 7 PM. Visit votetexas.gov for more information and to find your nearest polling location.
Our Teen Writers group meets monthly every 4th Monday from 5-6 PM. Join us today in the Teen Room and bring your writing for feedback and critique! Visit cflib.info/teens for more information.
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