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profile-icon Victoria Brame
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Adulting 101: Sewing and Mending promo

Let's face it - adulting is hard, but the library has your back! Attend our Adulting 101 workshop series for ages 18+. We will practice Sewing and Mending on Wednesday, November 1 from 11:30am-12:30pm in LRNC 131. For more information, visit

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profile-icon Victoria Brame
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Trick or Treat Library promo

The Halloween spooky season is upon us! Join the Kids Corner for Trick or Treat at the library on Tuesday, October 24 from 6pm-7pm. All ages are welcome, and costumes are encouraged! Visit for more information.

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profile-icon Victoria Brame
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National Museum of the Pacific War LIFE promo

Join us on Monday, October 16 from 10am-11am in LRNC 131 for a LIFE Workshop presentation on Word War II in the Pacific theater from the National Museum of the Pacific War. For more information, visit

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profile-icon Victoria Brame
No Subjects

The Pencraft Hour promo

Calling all tweens! Join us for The Pencraft Hour, 60 minutes of creative writing for ages 9-13, at our next meeting on Thursday, October 12 from 6-7pm. Tickets will be available 30 minutes prior to start time in the Kids Corner. Write short stories, poetry, comics, and more, and compile your best work into a zine! Visit for more information.

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profile-icon Victoria Brame
No Subjects

I'm with the Banned promo

Join Librarians Liz Nebeker and Tracy Williams for a LIFE Workshop on Monday, October 2 from 10am-11am in LRNC 131 as they talk about the history of book banning in the US while sharing and celebrating favorite banned books. For more information, visit

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