Lone Star College-CyFair Library will close Friday-Sunday, March 29-31 in observance of the college's Spring Holiday. Visit cflib.info/hours for more information.
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Calling all teens! The Anime & Manga Club meets every third Thursday of the month to discuss favorite titles, series, and get recommendations on what to try next. Whether anime, manga, and cosplay have been part of your life for years or you're just getting started, this club is for you! Visit cflib.info/teens for more information.
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Lone Star College-CyFair Library will operate under modified hours, 9am-5pm, during Spring Break from Monday, March 11 through Saturday, March 16. We will close on Sunday, March 17 and resume our regular hours on Monday, March 18. Visit cflib.info/hours for more information.
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Practice speaking and listening to English while playing fun games in LRNC 131 from 6pm-8pm every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month! Open to all ESL levels, no registration required. Visit cflib.info/esl for more information.
This is the last week to enter the Free Comic Book Day Art Contest! Submissions are due Sunday, April 7. Learn more about the guidelines, age categories, and prizes at cflib.info/fcbd.
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