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Recommended Reads - Adults

Want to know what to read next? Looking for a specific genre? Check out this guide to find out what your newest favorite will be!

Banned Books


What's a banned book? It's a book that's been censored, removed, burned or made unavailable to the public by an organization or an "authority". Books have been banned for: "indelicate content", talking animals, strong women, religious disagreement, politics, governmental control, diverse characters & more, We celebrate our freedom to read books that represent many diverse people & themes with these reads, and invite you to read some of our favorite ones!

Our Favorite Banned Books

We recommend banned books of all types and genres. Want to check out a book? Simply click on it to go straight to our catalog and check it out!

Our Favorite Banned Books

We recommend banned books of all types and genres. Want to check out a book? Simply click on it to go straight to our catalog and check it out!