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ENGL 1301/0219 Holliger

Step 1: Biographical Research

Getting Started

You will start your research by finding out more information about the person you have chosen. You can start by finding biographical information about the person to get to know them a little better.

Biography vs. Autobiography vs. Memoir

A biography is a detailed history of a person's life. It usually includes information about when and where the person was born, their family life, major accomplishments, and why the person is significant.

An autobiography is basically a biography that is written by that person. They tell the story of their own life in their own words.

A memoir is a collection of memories and stories about a person's life, written by that person. The difference between a memoir and an autobiography is that an autobiography will tell the entire story of a person's life, whereas a memoir might just tell a few selected stories/memories - often on a theme.

Search the Library's Biography Databases

Off-Campus Library Database Access

For off-campus access to the library databases, you will need to enter either your 14-digit library barcode from the back of your LSC student ID card or sign in with your MyLoneStar email address and password.

Don't have a 14-digit library barcode? Request one online. Your library barcode will be emailed to your LSC email address within 48 hours. 
image of database authentication page