The moon is made of green cheese (Smith, 2022).
Smith (2022) argues the moon is made of green cheese.
The moon is made of green cheese (Blair & Jackson, 1982).
Blair & Jackson (1982) argue the moon is made of green cheese.
The moon is made of green cheese (Vetter et al., 1990).
Vetter et al. (1990) argue the moon is made of green cheese.
First In-Text Citation:
(Full Organization Name [Abbreviation], Year of Publication)
Following In-Text Citations:
(Abbreviation, Year of Publication)
First In-Text Citation:
The moon is made of green cheese (National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA], 1968).
Following In-Text Citations:
Astronauts will visit the moon to test this hypothesis (NASA, 1968).
First In-Text Citation:
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, 1968) argues the moon is made of green cheese.
Following In-Text Citations:
NASA (1968) will send astronauts to the moon to test this hypothesis.
Use when the author of a work is identified specifically as "Anonymous."
The moon is made of green cheese (Anonymous, 1974).
Anonymous (1974) argues the moon is made of green cheese.
Use when the author of a work is not named.
("Shortened Title," Year of Publication)
(Shortened Title, Year of Publication)
The moon is made of green cheese ("Lunar Composition," 2001).
The moon is made of green cheese (Lunar Composition, 2001).
In "Lunar Composition of Earth's Moon" (2001), experts argue the moon is made of green cheese.
In Lunar Composition of Earth's Moon (2001), experts argue the moon is made of green cheese.
Arrange in alphabetical order, just like your Reference List.
The moon is made of green cheese (Blair & Jackson, 1982; Smith, 2022; Vetter et al., 1990).
Blair & Jackson (1982), Smith (2022), and Vetter et al. (1990) argue the moon is made of green cheese.
Assign lowercase letter suffix (a, b, c, d, etc.) to the year in Reference List entries and in-text citations.
(Last Name, Year of Publication + a)
(Last Name, Year of Publication + b)
The moon is made of green cheese (Perez, 2010a). However, it is not recommended astronauts eat the surface (Perez, 2010b).
Perez (2010a) argues the moon is made of green cheese. However, Perez (2010b) does not recommend astronauts eat the surface.
Include full first names if authors happen to share their first initial.
The moon is made of green cheese (C. Nguyen, 1999). However, it is not recommended astronauts eat the surface (T. Nguyen, 2008).
Dr. Cathy Nguyen (1999) argues the moon is made of green cheese. However, Professor Timothy Nguyen (2008) does not recommend astronauts eat the surface.
The purpose of the in-text citation is to briefly identify a source used within your paper. The in-text citation directs readers to the full reference list citation, which provides the information needed to locate the exact source.
Short Quotations (less than 40 words): | Block Quotations (40 or more words): |