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ENGL 1301 Thrift


We have general databases with information on many different subjects (like Academic Search Complete) and subject databases that focus on more specific topics (like Health Reference Center).

Databases are arranged by subject, so on the database page, scroll down and open the Current Issues section to find the databases best suited to the type of research you’re doing in this class. 

Which specific databases should you use for your research? That depends somewhat on your topic. For recommendations, contact Tracy the Librarian at

For off-campus access to the library databases, you will need to enter either your 14-digit library barcode or sign in with your MyLonestar email address and password. Once you have clicked on the link to a library database, you will be prompted to log in.

The library databases in this list are helpful for finding topic overviews - general introductions with background information about a topic. Topic overviews can help give you perspective on the history of the issue and generate keywords and subtopics.

Scholarly journal articles usually provide more details about a topic. Journal articles are written by experts or specialists in a field and may report the findings of new studies on a topic.

Newspaper and magazine articles can be useful for finding the most up-to-date information about a topic or event. The library databases in this list are helpful for finding both current and historical newspaper and magazine articles.


Boolean Operators

McMaster Libraries:

Basic Search vs. Advanced Search

Basic Search
You must manually enter any boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).


nursing infants

The database searches for articles with the words/phrase "nursing infants" or "infants nursing" - it's searching for both words next to each other.


nursing AND infants

The database searches for articles that have both words, "nursing" AND "infants" - anywhere in the article

Advanced Search
The database automatically provides the boolean operators (AND is the default).


nursing infants
The database searches for articles with the keywords words/phrase "nursing infants" or "infants nursing" - it's searching for both words next to each other.



The database searches for articles that have all the keywords, "nursing" AND "infants" AND "oncology" - anywhere in the article.