Material you might want to utilize when globalizing your course includes:
- Books and articles written by experts and scholars from other countries.
- Recommended keywords include curriculum planning, higher education, globalization, internationalization, college curriculum, education & globalization, study & teaching of globalization, curricula, college students, global studies. Dewey Decimal subject headings include "education and globalization" and multicultural education.
- Case studies set in other countries or that explore international themes.
- Librarians can help you locate this material too.
- Foreign films, TV or radio broadcasts, podcasts, and the like.
- Our streaming video database Kanopy has an extensive selection of foreign films. The Internet is a great source of foreign TV and radio broadcasts. Librarians will be happy to help you locate this type of resource.
- Websites or blogs with an international perspective.
- Librarians can help you vet this material, and we always enjoy figuring out the best Google searches to use.
- International datasets or statistics.
- Some good sources include UNData and World Bank Data. Librarians can help you locate international data as well.